Embrace The OnionThere have been many moments in my life where I have had an experience or insight that has lead me to feeling jolted awake, as though awakening for the very first time, and wondering how I ever thought I was anything other than asleep prior.

Each time, I smile to myself wryly and laugh at the infinite layers available in the onion of life. The more we grow, the more we realise just how much more room is still left to grow; infinite space in fact.

I’ve been experiencing these moments in particularly high concentration over the last eight weeks while embarking on a new program with Landmark Education, alongside various other experiences. Each more elucidating than the last, yet in such fast succession that I have wondered at times if I am dreaming.

In pursuit of accelerated impact, I have been seeking out uncomfortable situations and conversations. I have become aware of all the times and places my unspoken goal was the polar opposite; to remain comfortable and safe. And with practice, my habitual resistance to anything else is becoming less and less, and stark realisations keep appearing.

Realisations of all of the stories I’ve ever told myself about why I couldn’t do or say something, why I didn’t want to, why it wasn’t safe or ideal to, or what was going on with someone else. All the times I’ve played small, even the ones I’d pushed deep into my subconscious, right from my early years to the present.

Letting go of remaining concerns about being perfect or imperfect, and instead choosing love, compassion and contribution. Making decisions from there, and becoming more and more open to operating way beyond my comfort zone. Knowing comfort is not the goal, and my passion for mass contribution is far more significant than any residual fear. That the path I’ve chosen is not supposed to be one of comfort.

I feel my world expanding with each choice I make to acknowledge and address each and every remaining cobweb in the realm of my consciousness and existence, and that of humanity, rather than speeding past in ignorance. Each choice to consciously and powerfully forge ahead, rather than being at the effect of any inner voice doubting my readiness.

My message is this. The value in acknowledging these subtleties in consciousness and any and all things that haven’t worked in our past or are blocking our future is not to be underestimated. It’s not just ok to do so, I’ve come to realise it’s absolutely essential if you’re to shed everything you’re not and become an unleashed version of who you truly are.

We all have these things: niggly beliefs that were formed long ago, hidden under the surface and not yet corrected; actions we’ve taken in the past that haven’t aligned with our intentions; areas of life or people we’ve neglected without intending to nor realising.

Former blind spots that from a new vantage point we come to see so clearly and wish to and can make good on. The pursuit of expansion isn’t as simple as improving once and BOOM, never having to do any work on ourselves again. It’s a continuum. One of ever increasing awareness.

The goal isn’t never again having misalignments, not noticing them, or pretending they don’t exist. The goal is simply to *not* leave them untouched, gathering dust or snowballing, but instead to bring them into the light. To welcome them and to work with them. To transform them.

These moments of illumination and clarity are rarely comfortable, but they are truly extraordinary. Both inherently and in what they make available to us both as individuals and communities.

Here’s to choosing to turn the light on. Again, and again, and again.

I’d love to know about your reflections on continuous personal development in the comments. Book a consultation with me to find out how I can help you illuminate your blind spots to become even more brilliant.