What’s your “type”?

I haven’t been asked this question in quite some time, but it was posed to me today. If you’d asked me three years or more ago my answer would have been completely different. With my mindset now, honestly, I’m embarrassed by what my criteria used to be,...

Peanuts and amateurs

Let’s talk about pricing for a minute. There are so many horror stories out there where people have bought the cheapest option and found themselves up sh** creek without a paddle. We’ve all experienced this to one degree or another. An item of clothing...

The magic art of thinking outside the box

I really don’t like the cold. I’m the girl that spent an hour a day in the jacuzzi and sauna at Equinox during New York City winters. And yet, I spent last week in Iceland. And it was one of the best weeks of my entire life. I also spent it with people...


Hello and thank you for visiting the digital home of Definitely Definitely! A place you can come for clarity, serenity, creative inspiration, and to find out more about working with me. Are you a super motivated, yet overwhelmed type A? Forever rushing from one thing...
Just one last Post

Just one last Post

How about some Cupacake Ipsum?! Check it out at cupcakeipsum.com and create your own delicious Ipsum. Dessert candy tootsie roll jelly-o bear claw chocolate bar apple pie. Chocolate cake tootsie roll lollipop caramels fruitcake powder marzipan. I love cake chocolate...
Cupcake Ipsum

Cupcake Ipsum

How about some Cupacake Ipsum?! Check it out at cupcakeipsum.com and create your own delicious Ipsum. Dessert candy tootsie roll jelly-o bear claw chocolate bar apple pie. Chocolate cake tootsie roll lollipop caramels fruitcake powder marzipan. I love cake chocolate...